Communicator II
Our Weekly Newsletter and Pastoral Message

The Communicator II is the weekly newsletter of Grace Episcopal Church. This is the second generation of our original monthly newsletter and is a weekly outreach to all of our members. This provides you with regular updates on activities, schedules, and opportunities at our church. The Communicator II is delivered via email, genereally on Friday afternooons.
We are trying to maximize the use of the Internet to deliver information to our parishioners and friends in a timely manner. The links below will allow direct access to recent copies of our newsletter. For older issues of our newsletter and pastoral information, please contact the Church Office. Also, if you would like a printed copy, please let us know and we can make it available in the Church Narthex.
Sign up for the weekly “Communicator II” to be delivered to your email! It is free of any charge and we do not sell or give your email address to anyone.
To Signup for our Newsletter, please send an Email with your full name and Email address to
Or fill out a message from in the red book at the end of your pew.