Ministries at Grace

There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but they all come from the same Spirit. The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others.” 1 Corinthians 12:4, 7

Altar/Flower Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the church for all services. This includes vesting the altar, and cleaning the torches, silver and linens. There are four teams, each responsible for one Sunday a month, and preparation takes about one hour. Altar Guild members are proud to care for the sacred belongings of Grace Church, finding the work to be an honor and privilege.

The Flower Guild provides arrangements for the Sunday services, funded by donations from parishioners. The flowers are then distributed either to the donors, to someone celebrating a special occasion, or to someone who is ill. During Christmas, Lent, and Easter, decorating demands are higher and more hands are needed. If you have a little time, consider volunteering for this short-term holiday ministry.

The Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) serve the chalice and assist the priest at Sunday, weekdays, and special services.

The Lectors are parishioners who read the Old and New Testament lessons and the Prayers of the People during Sunday and special services. Anyone wishing to be a lector needs the ability to read clearly and well, and should be willing to spend some time preparing each reading. Lectors are asked to read about once each month.

The Ministry of Acolytes, a program for young Parishioners entering the third grade or higher, is a wonderful opportunity for young people to learn about and actively participate in our liturgy. They assist the clergy in the sanctuary during the worship service and serve as crucifers, torch bearers, and servers.

The Greeters Ministry, the “first impression” of our parish, is a vital lifeline for the growth of our church. Greeters have a friendly nature and welcome our visitors, answer any questions they may have, and direct them to hospitality after the service.

The Ushers are the watchful eyes of Grace Church. Always here to assist, they take pleasure in ensuring that the needs of parishioners are met during the weekly services. The Ushers often lend that helping hand, sometimes in the background, that makes their service supportive and rewarding.

Hospitality Hosts provide refreshments after the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services. Coffee and punch are provided by the church (coffee is made by the 8 a.m. host, punch by the 10 a.m. host). Treats can be homemade or store-bought and simple. All parishioners are encouraged to take a turn. This is a great way to minister to the church and to meet fellow parishioners.

More than fifteen thousand non-profit organizations all over the country are taking advantage of scrip fundraising, and you can too. Don’t use cash or credit to pay for your regular household purchases, use scrip gift cards. This program is a growing ministry under the direction of own Bobbi Patterson.