It is our personal response to God’s generosity in the way we share our resources of time, talent, and money. Stewardship reflects our commitment to making God’s love known through the realities of human life and our use of all that God has given us. It is also our service to God’s world and our care of creation. Parish members are encouraged to make an annual stewardship pledge. This pledge represents their specific Christian commitment to “work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God” (BCP, p. 856).
Stewardship is ultimately about caring:
Which means an investment of our time – in seeing and responding
And an investment of our hearts – in loving
And an investment of our financial gifts – in providing for
Jeremiah 17:8
They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.
Stewardship at Grace Episcopal Church is about honoring God by caring for, nurturing, and investing in our gifts and then sharing them abundantly and generously, with hearts of love. It is about caring for this wonderful church we call “the Church that Love Built,” by providing for its nurture for generations to come.
An Annual Pledge is a specific financial gift, given weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually for the mission and ministry of the church, in this case, Grace Episcopal Church. Money from annual pledges account for nearly 90% of the church budget and enable us to provide worship, education, fellowship, and outreach opportunities for the life of the church. You are invited to make such a financial commitment to Grace Episcopal Church for the Year 2025 either by filling out a pledge card and turning it in to the church office or by filing out the online pledge form. This year’s Stewardship Ingathering is scheduled for Sunday, November 17, 2024.
Grace Episcopal Church relies very significantly on the financial support of our parishioners and friends. By pledging an annual gift, you not only support the on-going mission and ministries Grace Episcopal Church, but you also join the families who have loved and supported Grace across generations. If you have any stewardship questions, you can email Grace@GraceGlendora.org.
Gracious God, abundant are the blessings you have freely and joyously given us. Grateful for the opportunities you provide for living generous and compassionate lives of compassionate care, love, prayer, and service, help us now and always to offer freely and joyously to you, O God, our gifts of time, talent, and treasure. This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.
Personal Journeys in Stewardship
Why pledge? Why give back? Listen to these comments from our members. (Click on the button below to enjoy)
2025 Pledge Card
Fill out the pledge card form on the right and click submit; it will privately go to the church office. Thank you in advance. Continue below to set up your pledge automatically.
Make Your Pledge Automatic
There are several ways to make your pledge automatic. One way is to contact your financial institution and direct a weekly or monthly pledge amount to be mailed directly to Grace Episcopal Church. Generally, this is part of a Checking or Savings account and is setup free of charge. The Church Office can assist you with this, if you wish.
Another way is to setup an account through a secure, online payment center. The church uses a company called Tythe.ly, an online donation that can make your pledge automatically on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis as set by you. The funds are withdrawn from your checking, savings, or credit card account as selected by you. There is a minimal fee for using this service. You can elect to pay those fees as well. For more information and to set up your account click on: Donate to Grace Episcopal Church