Episcopal News

L.A. Diocese Episcopal News
The Newsletter of the Los Angeles Diocese
The Episcopal News, our diocesan newspaper has gone online and will no longer be sent out via the U.S. Mail. This decision was made in an effort to cut expenses, reflect faithful stewardship of the environment, and keep up with modern communication. This new format will offer opportunities for more in-depth coverage for happenings within the Diocese of Los Angeles and throughout the larger Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion. Our own Janet Kawamoto is editor of this fine publication.
To view the first online edition of The Episcopal News, simply go to the diocesan website at www.ladiocese.org where you will find a link to the news. From there, you are invited to read the news and/or print it in full color.
A printed version of The Episcopal News can be found in the church office for those without access to a computer and printer.
Click Here for the Los Angeles Diocese Episcopal News archives. You can download the current and past issues of the Episcopal News.