Acolytes – A place for our Youth to Grow
Jared Anders – Acolyte Master
The title ‘Acolyte’ is derived from the Greek word, ‘akolouthos’, meaning server, attendant or follower. The ministry of acolytes has existed nearly as long as there have been priests. In the Anglican/Episcopal church, as well as in the Eastern and Western Orthodox and Catholic churches, acolytes have served at the altar since ancient times. The acolyte’s service is an offering to God.
At Grace, acolytes serve alongside our clergy in roles that express the liturgy of the Episcopal church. Carrying the processional cross, an acolyte leads the procession into and out of the church. Leading clergy in the gospel procession, one acolyte bears the gospel and two others carry torches, signifying Christ’s light coming into the world as the gospel is read. An acolyte assists the presider at the altar; assists the ushers with offertory plates; and helps to prepare for the Eucharist. By participating in this ministry, acolytes perform major roles in the worship service.
Acolytes also work closely with members of a larger worship team that includes members of the Altar Guild, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Choir, Lay Readers, and the Flower Guild.
Click: Acolyte Manual Oct 2023
Click: Acolyte Schedule August to October 2024
The Program at Grace:
The Ministry of Acolytes, a program for young Parishioners entering the third grade or higher, is a wonderful opportunity for young people to learn about and actively participate in our liturgy. They assist the clergy in the sanctuary during the worship service and serve as crucifers, torch bearers, and servers. Those interested in becoming a member of the Acolyte Ministry, please contact Acolyte Ministry leader Jared or Reverend Susan. All are very welcome. All training is provided by the Ministry, no experience needed, only a positive interest in service to others.
Acolyte Positions:
Crucifer: Leads processions during the Church services and carries the Processional Cross.
Torch Bearers: Carries Torches/Candles during processions providing symbolic and sometimes literal illumination.
Server: Assists the Clergy in the Setup/Preparation for the Eucharist.