Worship With Us!
We are back in Church with our regular serices on Sundays at 8 and 10 A.M. Please accept our invitation to join us. Everyone is welcome!

Meet Grace Episcopal
Meet the staff and clergy, read about our history, and find out about ministries and other activities.

Media and Slideshows
We often create video slideshows of our special gatherings and events.
Click for: Past Video Slideshow

Worship With Us
Grace Episcopal Church welcomes you and your family. We meet on Sundays at 8 and 10 A.M. Our 8 A.M service is the traditional Rite 1 service, a quite morning gathering without music. Where our 10 A.M. family service is blessed with our Church Choir and accompanied by our Organist. We also live stream our 10 A.M. service for those who cannot attend in person. We still consider everyone part of our Episcopal Church Family.
Our Values
Grace Episcopal is a faith community that gathers around Word and Sacrament to be nourished, called, and sent into God’s world in witness and service to others in the name of Jesus Christ. Please visit our Church in Glendora, Ca, anytime. And join us for Sunday Service at 8 and 10 AM.
We Support and Honor our Troops!
Please take a moment to visit our Military Service Page where we keep track of those in our Grace Family are giving their service to America.
Grace Episcopal News Center

This Just In
Check the Calendar for upcoming events.
The Communicator II – Our Weekly Pastoral Letter
The Memorial Service for Peggy Wallace: Memorial Service for Peggy Wallace
Ash Wednesday Noon Service: Ash Wednesday Livestream Service
The Memorial Service for Sherry McKeithen (Pat Meyer’s Daughter) will be Sunday, March 23rd, at 2 PM.

- Learn about Tythe.ly – our online donation/payment feature. Click Here
- Services are at 8 and 10 A.M., with live-streaming available at 10 A.M.
- GEC is pleased to welcome the InterValley Seventh-Day Adventist Church as our companions each Saturday at Grace Church. For more information on this wonderful worship group, please click: Intervalley Seventh-Day Adventist Church Web Site